Kiss the Waves
One millennial's journey to loving God well in the modern world.
52 episodes
Am I A Brat?
Originally recorded 12/08/2023 on the Youtube channel. Subscribe if you haven't already. Good question to ask yourself. Too many entitled pseudo-Christians in the world. Time to get sober and see...

Ain’t No Santa Claus
Romans 13:14 Today were covering a few of the world’s faves. Yoga, greek sororities and fraternities, astrology, etc. I’ve found that arguing with people isn’t effacacious. But the word of God is. So, argue there. ...

Do You Love Me?
Okay, will I make Britt a permanent fixture on this podcast? POSSIBLY! Every single time we talk, I’m like, “dang I wish I was recording this.” So, mid conversation the other day I pressed record on my phone. What you hear is...

Fresh Eyes
Hey family! I recorded this a couple weeks ago so there's some overlap with some of the things Brittainnie discussed in Part One of "Why I'm Sober." But when I tell you, listening to it again blessed my soul!! We are being trained up right now....

Why I’m Sober feat. Brittannie
This episode includes the testimony of God literally taking the taste for alcohol from me, navigating holiness, and rejecting friendship with the world. Brittainnie is one of my best friends in the world and I’m so happy to share this spa...

Salty v Salted
For the first time, I’ve captured this episode in camera! Subscribe to the youtube channnel to watch every episode from now on! https://youtube.com/@Kissthe...

Covenant Unlocked : Brody & Jenn
Here’s episode 1 of a new series on marriage entitled Covenant Unlocked. I’ve known Jennifer since I was 15. She’s been a rock in my life and we’ve walked through so many seasons together. Her and Brody’s story is unconventional and beautiful. ...
Season 2
Episode 1

Think of Yourself Less
originally recorded on 08/30. what i’ve been meditating on that i wanted to share. love y’all a lot. praying for you.

The Way Up is Down
Kingdom living is counter-cultural, oftentimes even counterintuitive but never ever counterproductive. Only the things you do for the Kingdom will last. Suffering for Christ sake is an important part of our sanctification. No way around it. The...

A Case for Marriage
I hit record on my phone as my good friend and I drove to Tustin from LA this past weekend to photograph our friends’ wedding (who actually have us to thank for them meeting as well but that’s another testimony for another time!) Anywho, Kendra...

This is How We Blast on Satan
The weapons we war with are not carnal but mighty for the pulling down of strongholds. So thus, we ride on the enemy.

You Can Hear Better When You’re Quiet
Just good ol’ Bible. Ephesians 5:11-12 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.Psalm 94:16 Who will rise up for me ag...

Former Folly
In this episode I share my testimony, albeit the abridged version, it’s still my story, it’s still true and I pray it blesses you and encourages you. I only want to edify. I only want to be a light. I mentioned Psalm 19 , I meant P...

Debunking the Doctrine of Demons through Deliverance feat. Asia
Family, me and all my friends are getting free. If you are interested in knowing more about deliverance, I'd encourage you to get Setting the Captives Free by Bev Tucker. Pray, ask and seek, the Lord will honor your desire to be clean....

Quick Sand
On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. Connect with me on Instagram: @m0rillawarfareSow into Kiss the Waves podcast: Cash App- $mitchandgunnerSow into Mitch and Gunner Studios: Venmo - @kedu_mit...

An Invitation
Psalm 51:17, Philippians 4:6Going through trials is a training ground. The more you go through them, the better you get at them. Suffer well. You can have joy in sorrow, you can have peace in the storm. Truly. Connect with me: I...

Hide & Seek
Time to wake up.Listen to this: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/revival-lifestyle-with-isaiah-saldivar/id15134499...

No Accountability in Darkness
Visit Covenanteyes.com to learn more about pornography statistics and help for you or anyone you know struggling to get free of porn addiction. As with anything, it will not work if you don’t work it, if you don’t want it. Guard yo...

Stop Playing with God
Eight Prayer Watches: https://newlevelsingod.org"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in ...